Looking for some fresh inspiration for your writing?

We know the feeling. Everyone needs inspiration. There are thousands of blogs dedicated to providing authors with inspiration and encouragement. But how do you know who to follow?

The internet is full of “experts” who will offer advice. The problem is that a lot of it isn’t helpful. It’s confusing, time wasting, and harmful. That’s why it’s important to follow experts with the track record to prove their words.

The following bloggers know their stuff. They know what works because they’ve tried and tried until they got it right.

  • Jeff Goins

    Jeff is a resource for writers by a writer. On any given day, you can expect to find your creativity expanded, your muse woken up, and your butt kicked. Jeff is great at encouraging writers to do their best…because he’s been there. His website follows his journey from someone who dreamed of being published to someone who publishers were actively seeking. He recently announced he was quitting his day job to write full time. Bravo, Jeff!

  • Kristen Lamb

    Kristin is the author of the best-selling books We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer. She’s also hilarious, down to earth, and incredibly unpretenious. Kristen launched #MyWana, a huge community of writers on Twitter. Join in on the community and get plugged in with writers from all over world.

  • Grammar Girl

    Grammar Girl is the queen of punctuation on the internet (or should that be Queen of Punctuation?). Don’t understand the difference between affect and effect? She also regularly tackles tricky topics like when the proper time to use an asterisk is. Taking her tips will shorten the amount of time your manuscript stays with the editor. Do yourself a favor and sign up.

  • CopyBlogger

    Do you have to write copy? Copyblogger is a great resource if you have to do any type of copywriting on the internet. For authors, that means learning how to sell your story online so you can spend time writing more stories. (Try wrapping your brain around that). If writing marketing copy isn’t your strength, sign up and start learning!

Of course, you an also sign up to get the Author Media newsletter in your inbox.

What writing blogs do you follow? Which ones need to be added to our list?

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