Indie Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
Indie or traditional publishing? Hear from one author who experienced both and made a surprising decision.
Indie or traditional publishing? Hear from one author who experienced both and made a surprising decision.
If you want to increase book sales after they’ve started to fall, check out this list of mistakes to avoid and strategies to try.
Learn a reproducible strategy for getting to know your readers, selling to them directly, and avoiding Amazon’s ecosystem.
If you have a big budget for book marketing, opportunities abound. Find out which marketing expenses will yield the best return on your investment.
Learn six steps to quickly create your first ad to help you sell more books with Amazon ads, and discover how it can benefit your brand.
Find out how to market your book in the four stages of its lifecycle and how to extend book sales on older books.
Obscure No More is your one-stop shop for learning to build a platform and market your book. Find out how to access these 12 critical lessons.
Find out how authors who take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities can earn income even before their books are published.
Facebook can be useful for authors if you use it in the right way. Find out how you can use Facebook to help you sell more books.
Learn how to increase your podcast’s impact by connecting with other podcasters, authors, and audiences who are interested in your book.
Find out how Jack Ellem became a bestselling indie author in two foreign countries while living in Australia and learn how his strategies can work for you.
Find out which kind of indie author you are and which sales strategies and promotional tools will work best for you.
Learn which Facebook ads work best for connecting with interested readers, growing your author email list, and ultimately selling books.
Marketing literary fiction is different than marketing genre fiction. Standard marketing practices don’t always work. In this article you’ll learn what does.
Amazon continually tests and changes their ads platform, and authors must stay up to date. Bryan Cohen reports on what’s changed this year.